Florida Man Died from 7 Gunshot Wounds, Near Death Experience, NDE

Florida Man Died from 7 Gunshot Wounds, Near Death Experience, NDE

Steffan Haskins was shot at over 55 times by police officers in Orlando, Florida on December 29th, 2021. During this incident he was having a severe episode brought on by PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) caused from serving time in the war. This police shooting, which was captured on an officer’s body camera, shows Steffan trying to enter a vehicle with a firearm.

Police call out to the man but he is unresponsive, as he he was currently facing a delusional episode brought on by his traumatic stress. As Steffan describes, it felt as if he was back in the war, he was calling out for help, and afraid for his life.

He was shot at point blank range and incurred 7 gunshot wounds, 4 of them were around the torso region and 3 hit him in the head. To say the least, it is a miracle Steffan is alive today. His journey to the other side is a fascinating one. Listen as he describes his Near Death Experience, being taken in by God and told it is not his time and he must go back.

When Steffan died, he witnessed the afterlife and came back with a powerful message of love and hope.

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