We Walk A Long Dark Hallway At Death | Simuology Near Death Experience of Veronica (full discussion)

We Walk A Long Dark Hallway At Death | Simuology Near Death Experience of Veronica

In this full length conversation, Chris Foust talks with a Psycho Analyst named Veronica who had a Near Death Experience after a Hysterectomy Surgery which left her believing in life after death.

Watch or listen as she tells her story from the most compelling perspective. As a Psycho Analyst, Veronica has always been a skeptic of the otherside or consciousness existing beyond the plane of the Physical. It isn’t until she has her own NDE or Near Death Experience, where she meets a guide with long hair and a beard that she realizes there is more to this life than what science and mainstream education can explain. Did she meet Jesus?

This conversation is entire podcast which can also be found on Spotify.

#NDE #NearDeathExperience #LifeAfterDeath #Ghosts #SpiritGuides #soul #Consciousness #Simuology #ChrisFoust #Simuologist #GlitchInTheMatrix #Matrix #Simulation #SimulationTheory #Mysticism #LifeBeyond #God #Heaven #Synchronicities

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